Vulnerability is a characteristic that scares us. We don't like to show our weaknesses. However, sometimes it is through our weaknesses that we can best relate to other people. In our weakness we can connect on a more intimate level. And it is that ability to relate that can have the greatest impact on our lives and on the lives of other people. Sometimes it is through our weakness that we can be the strongest!
2 Cor 12:10 states, "Therefore I take pleasure in weakness...for when I am weak, then I am strong." This may seem like a paradox but it is reality when you allow God to use your life to touch other people.
Sharing your weakness makes you vulnerable, to be vulnerable in order to encourage others is a strength. It is through this vulnerability that we can have the greatest impact on others lives. As I told you in the video I am not perfect so what good does it do me to act like I'm perfect. In reality, "I'm just bad... trying to do everything I can to evolve into the goodness God created me to be." When I am vulnerable in my weakness I can slowly chip away the imperfections to reveal the masterpiece that lies beneath!