BE what you were set out to be!!!
How sad would it be if you spent the money to purchase a gym membership and went to the gym but never really worked out. And as a result, never really made any gains. You lost no weight. You gained no muscle. You gained no cardiovascular benefit. Wouldn't you consider that a waste of time and potential? Wouldn't it be sad to just stay the same when in your heart you knew you had more potential?
Perhaps not because some people may consider it more of a social occasion than anything else which would explain the lack of sweating! But what really matters is what is your goal? Do you have goals for your life? Do you have goals for your day? Are you on a mission?
If you don't know your mission, you have no chance of success!
Businesses have mission statements. It sets out a clear direction for their future actions. It is a framework they use with each decision they make. I believe we all need a personal mission statement. A guiding principle that makes it easier to say no to things that do not support your mission! It helps you focus on the things that matter most to you.
It is important that you connect with your purpose and this gives you satisfaction when you accomplish small steps toward your purpose. We need to ask ourselves what is our mission? It may be hard to believe you need a personal mission statement, but without one, you are left to sacrifice the potential you were given. So how do you create a personal mission statement?
Here is the process to follow to write your personal mission statement:
The process:
1. Identify things that you are PASSIONATE about. Things that light a fire in you. Things you get excited about doing. Things you feel like you are good at. Write them down. What is the common theme?
2. Write down a list of VALUES or ATTRIBUTES that you think define you. Also write down Values that you desire to define you. Write down how you want to make a difference in your world.
3. Identify and write down a list of GOALS.
4. Make a list of people you admire and what it is about them that you are drawn to. 5. Write down what you would hope people say about you.
Now review these lists and create an idea of what is your mission.
Now get to it! Write YOUR PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT! Review it everyday!
Make sure the decisions you make throughout your day are consistent with your mission. Left with a choice, choose what gets you closer to you mission.
Then you will grow! You will reach your potential! You will not be the same!!
