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If we are going to live a life that pushes the boundaries of our limitless potential, it is absolutely necessary that we examine ourselves. People often live their like others live. They don't live their own life. The reason is because they don't know who they really are. They don't understand what they were made for and don't know the true passion of their hearts. If you don't know WHO YOU ARE you can't live YOUR LIFE! It is crucial that we learn the skill of SELF AWARENESS. It does not come naturally. The hardest thing in the world to do is to examine yourself when no one else is observing you. Let go of the outcome and just walk the right path. It truly is a skill. So we must cultivate the skill of being aware of self. We must learn it and practice that skill daily.

Gal 6:4 says, "Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else." We must make it a point every day to evaluate our actions, motivations and passions. Only then can we realize the potential God placed in us.

We can never reach our potential and truly inspire others unless we learn to KNOW and LIVE ourselves. Any Rand said, "To say 'I love you' one must know first how to say 'I'! This is so true! If we are not aware of our self we can not live others.

So how do we learn self awareness? Each day make it a point to spend purposeful time alone with yourself. No TV, social media or anything but do contemplation of self. Meditate and be mindful of the events of your day and thoughts that entered your mind. Spend time in prayer asking God to clarify and transform your mind to understand your purpose. Journal or document your day so you can come back to those thoughts and make them concrete in your mind. It is only through focus on our mind and heart's desire that we become self aware.

"Until you make the unconscious CONSCIOUS, it will direct your life and you will call it fate." - C.G. Jung

"The unexamined life is not worth living. " - Socrates

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