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Magic happens where you least expect it...…………………….. SO ALWAYS EXPECT IT!!!



Always BE LOOKING for the opportunity to chase your passion!

If we always knew when something magic was going to happen we would never miss it. But sometimes we just get lost in the monotony and busyness of the day and we miss the magic in our lives. We allow the stress of our daily grind attract all our attention and we miss out on magic moments. When we see with tunnel vision that is dictated by our perceived priorities we are going to miss the things that can really bring joy to our lives and others lives.

Magic happens where you least expect it! SO ALWAYS EXPECT IT!!

In January of 2015 I was seeing a young teenager with a severe chronic illness as a patient. I had seen her for about 2 years and felt like I had never done anything to really help her. I was having a stressful day and was stuck in the monotony of the day. I was just getting ready to leave her room still feeling like I never really help her and I was wanting to say "why do keep coming to me? I never seem to help you?". But instead, I saw an opportunity to simply pray for her. So I stopped and held her and her mother's hand and prayed for them. It didn't seem like much at the time. But later that day I received an e-mail from Dee's mom which said, "Thank you sooooo much today for your prayer- there are no words for the PEACE I received afterwards." It struck me that with all the collective knowledge and experience of all the doctors she had seen, it was a simple prayer that made the most difference.

I have kept that e-mail all this time as a reminder of the power of prayer and also how critical it is to be constantly aware of opportunities to touch people's lives. If we allow the world to scream too loud in our ears we will miss the quiet whisper of opportunity. There is a flame that God has placed in your heart that longs to burn brightly. And God knows your heart better than anyone could. The flame is ignited by God's word as he speaks in your life. There is no greater adventure than the one God wants to take us on. So remember…

Magic happens where you least expect it! SO ALWAYS EXPECT IT!!

Just this past June we took our family to Grand Cayman to celebrate our 25th anniversary. Angie and I had honeymooned there and had not been back in 25 years. Earlier in the week we were out adventuring and went to see the Blow Holes on the East end of the island but my son Corbet had not gone with us. The Blow Holes are an iconic landmark of Grand Cayman. I really wanted Corbet to see it but he had not wanted to go the day we went. During the last day on the island we were busy doing every last minute thing we planned and were running out of time. Then I just felt compelled that Corbet needed to see the Blow Holes no matter what it took. I was looking for the right time to take the opportunity to go but time was slipping away. So late that afternoon I just decided we were going to create time to go and have Corbet see this natural wonder. So we changed the agenda and off we went on a new adventure. I don't know how long Corbet will remember that day but I will never forget it because we created time to follow our passion. It is a life lesson for me.

We have to Create time specifically for our PASSION! The world will NOT allow you time to pursue the gift God has placed in your life. You have to fight for time. People who don't fight for time to chase their passion will eventually see their passion die. For me, there is nothing more sorrowful than to not realize the FULL POTENTIAL you were created for!!!

It ultimately starts by listening to God. God created our heart. He knows the fuel that burns the brightest in our hearts. To learn what is truly your passion and see the opportunities in front of us, we must create time to truly listen to God. According to Jeremiah 33:3 we will learn great and unsearchable things when we listen.

Be willing to drop things that don't matter to chase things that do! We are often guilty of saying "this is not what this time is for". You had other plans but your situation changes. Don't be a slave to what you expected. Look for opportunity in the unexpected. Maybe God has a better agenda and you just need to follow!

You want to LIGHT THE FLAME?





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