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Living Life Like A Trail Run!!

Oftentimes, I think we treat life like a trail run. I'm running today on the trails in Sedona, AZ. When I run I work to keep up a hard pace. I want to work to a point where I am exhausted when I am done. In order to keep up the fast and furious pace that I want, I have to look straight down at every step. I can not afford to look around on a trail run. If I don't keep my eyes on every step, I am in danger of tripping on a rock or a tree root and crashing to the trail. If I fall I am likely to injure myself. This could ruin that run and runs in the future.

However, the irony of this is that all around me is incredibly beautiful red rock formations, wildlife, plants and breathtaking views. What a shame it is to let the world pass by without taking it in fully. When I try and keep the muscle straining pace, I miss the beauty of God's creation because I have to look straight down at the next 10 feet in front of me.

I think that's what we do with life sometimes. We just want to keep such a fast and furious pace with our life that we never slow down. I know I am guilty of this all the time. I want to do everything. I hate to say no. So I overextend myself and end up fatigued and missing the beauty of my world. I focus on the next few steps in front of me and I miss the big picture. When you do this, we miss family, we miss tiny precious moments, kairos moments, we miss friends and we miss the beauty all around us every day. We are so obsessed with keeping the pace and we know if we don't look straight down at to path in front of us we will stumble and fall. So we keep our eyes on just a few feet right in front of us and we sacrifice the incredibly abundant life we were meant to live. We miss everyday opportunities to make a difference.

An OPPORTUNITY is like a cloud…CAPTURE it NOW, Or lose it forever!!!

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