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Too often we live our life with dull edges. We've allowed the edges of our mind to get dull and so when it's time to try to cut through lies cut through untruths we don't have the weapon because we've allowed our mind to grow weak and edges to grow dull. We should be thriving we should be striving to live our lives with mines that have sharp edges. When it's time to cut through the darkness cut through the untruths cut through the foggy facades that the world throws at us we should be able to use the sharp edges of our mind to cut right through and see the truth. But this only happens if we keep the edges sharp if we sharpen our edges. This requires work on our part. It requires reading it requires studying it requires thought requires meditation. If we do those things and take those steps we will keep our edge is sharp and we will not fall prey to the lies and misleading's of the world. Are you keeping your edges sharp?

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