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Our PERCEPTION of the "seconds" of our life determines our ability to make a difference in the world. If you treat each "second" as an unlimited resource that will never run out, they will run out before you realize the value and you will sacrifice the great gift. But if you treat each "second" as a treasure of immeasurable worth, and invest all your passion in that treasure, you WILL change your world!

KAIROS is a Greek word which is defined as..."the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune atmosphere for action, words or movement ". This was a concept of time that the Greeks used to describe special moments in time. It is our nature to think that there are certain times or circumstances that occur on special occasions and this we see as kairos. We see it as that special moment when everything is perfect and our passion is ignited. It is that special moment when the world and its stress melts away and you are walking hand in hand on a lonely beach with your love. It is that special moment when you hear a person speaking words that creates inspiration in your heart and you are driven to action. It is that special moment when your kids put away all technology and you all just laugh and play and enjoy each other together. It is that beautiful moment when you feel God's hand and you know you are right where you are supposed to be.

I believe our problem is that we see kairos moments as moments that occur only in rare occasions when all the forces of life are aligned perfectly. We sit back and wait for these moments to come to us. And we long for that feeling of Kairos. But I think we see kairos from the wrong perspective.

Kairos should be every moment of our life. I believe Kairos is something we create by our mindset. I believe God has placed opportunities all around us that are the perfect opportunities for right now. We must look for those opportunities and immerse ourselves in what God has given us. When we perceive our moments in this way then we will live in kairos. Kairos is saying a prayer with someone who is in pain, Kairos is sharing a smile with someone who is in a trial in life. Kairos is laughing with your friend. Kairos is crying with a loved one who is suffering. Kairos is listening to someone who feels like they are never heard. Kairos is forgiving someone who doesn't ask for forgiveness.

Kairos opportunity is everywhere! Every moment of your life can be and should be FULLY experienced! Are you FULLY experiencing EVERY MOMENT? Are you making your moments kairos? Opportunity is everywhere, don't waste your passion! moeoeverywherewego


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