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BE THE 1...

BE THE 1...


The adventure is everyday. It starts with you realizing you are on an adventure and that opportunities exist all around you. Then you have to ignite the flame! Find your passion and let it burn. Understand that magic happens where you least expect it! SO ALWAYS EXPECT IT!! Magic happens where you least expect it! SO ALWAYS EXPECT IT!! Once you jump in the adventure you have to decide if you will let your adventure of life change you, you have to start somewhere. I have come to realize that if you desire to "give it ALL you've got!", you have got to start somewhere. And I believe that…


Big things always start with one small thing. Here is an example: The first step in constructing a bridge over the Niagara Falls Gorge was made by a 15-year-old American named Homan Walsh. On January 30, 1848, Homan flew a kite he named Union from one side of the gorge to the other. Someone on the opposite side caught the kite and tied a stronger string to the end of the kite string, and Holman pulled the new, thicker string back across the gorge. The process was repeated with an even stronger string, then a cord, then a thin rope, then a thicker rope, and eventually a steel cable, which crossed the expanse and was strong enough to support workers, tools, and materials. Finally, a sturdy bridge, over which trains and trucks could easily pass, was completed. And it all began with a string.


“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities.

Luke 16:10 NLT

The power of small things and small steps can be amazing. Don’t underestimate the power of little things. Jesus took a little lunch from a little boy and fed thousands. With a little jawbone, Samson slew an army. David took a little stone and brought down a giant. With just a little faith, great things can be accomplished.

Nothing ever happens without something small STARTING it all. Every AVALANCHE starts with one SNOWFLAKE! Every FLASH FLOOD starts with one drop of RAIN! Every GOLD MEDAL starts with one ALARM CLOCK waking you up every morning! Every NOBEL PRIZE starts with one IDEA! Every PYRAMID starts with one STONE! Every REVOLUTION starts with one DREAM!

So what is the ONE THING you can START today that will change you?

OUR Habits shape who we are and what we become! THEY SET OUR COURSE!!


Cues are little things that happen that cause a certain behavior to occur. They are what make us do the things we do. They are what can trigger a HABIT. Cues and the habits that evolve from them shape who we are and what we become! The cue starts a series of events. The CUE triggers a CRAVING.


CUE: You see a Starbucks…What do you do?

You immediately have a craving…"I want a ridiculously overpriced coffee!" Not me but my kids do. My cue when I see a Starbuck's is to create a diversion so no one else will see it.

CUE: Your phone vibrates or beeps…What do you do?

Craving…"I have to know who this is and what they are saying RIGHT NOW!!

Some cues illicit good habits and some bad.

The question is…What cues are you following?


Once you are faced with a CUE and feel the CRAVING, A RESPONSE has to follow!

The RESPONSE could become your HABIT!!

OUR Habits shape WHO we are and what we become!

So how do we leverage this idea to START a positive change in our lives? We often set the "goal" that I want to reach Maximum Potential and then just continue living in such a way that we never will. Goals are fine to have but a goal without action never gets us any closer to an accomplishment. We have to alter the TRAJECTORY that our life is on to have any chance of reaching our potential. How do you define TRAJECTORY? TRAJECTORY is the path followed by an object moving. TRAJECTORY is much more important than POSITION. Your POSITION right now doesn't really matter much, the TRAJECTORY you are on is critical.

Imagine you were on an airplane sitting on the runway in Los Angeles and you were set in a trajectory to fly straight to New York. If the pilot simply moved the nose of the plane 7 degrees south and then took off, you would land in Boston and not New York. See the position of the plane in the start did not matter. It was the trajectory that made all the difference. So the real question is "What is your TRAJECTORY?"

Don't allow the WORLD to set our TRAJECTORY!

A remarkable life begins when we start to do every day little things that most think are unremarkable in a remarkable way.

"All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits." --- William James

Habits become hardwired in to our neurologic framework. When our habits change, the framework of our brain changes. Habits form as a way of our brain saving energy. So if we create bad habits our brain saves energy but we decrease productivity. So how about we focus on creating good habits and start rewiring our brain.

So here is my challenge! Be the 1 PERSON that picks 1 NEW HABIT that will create a new TRAJECTORY that allows you to get to the destination you desire for your life!! You pick the habit and then tie it to a cue that always happens in your life. Here is a few examples:

Choose a habit: I want to do 10 pushups EVERY morning.

Now realize this, start small and work up from there because you will be more likely to start the habit if it is less difficult.

1. Choose a que- Brushing my teeth.

2. Que should trigger a routine- Every time I brush my teeth I will do 10 pushups.

Choose a habit: Scripture reading each morning

1. Choose a que- leave your bible next to your bed at night.

2. Que should trigger a routine- Every time I see my bible when I wake up, I will read 1 chapter before getting out of bed.

You choose the habit. Tie it to a cue that always happens. Then every time you see the cue, do the habit. You can use this to rewire you brain and transform it to what God meant it to be.

Here is what I want you to know:

Don't miss out on the opportunity you have right now! BE THE 1 THAT DOES THE 1 THING!!

It only takes 1 person to change the TRAJECTORY of the world! Think of Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandella. One of my favorite quotes is from the movie Mulan:

A single grain of rice can tip the scale, ONE MAN can be the difference!

In order to not miss out, you have to START!

Sir Edmund Hillary would have never seen the view from the top of the world when He climbed Mt. Everest if he had not STARTED with 1 step!


You need a plan to START!!

So pick your HABIT and tie it to a CUE and start the adventure!!!

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